Surveillance Technology
What is a Bug Detector?
A bug detector is a device that is able to locate and or disable electronic spy equipment such as microphones, cameras, and GPS tracking devices. Law enforcement agencies, military counter-intelligence agencies, criminals, and everyday individuals who are suspicious of being overheard often use bug detectors. Bug detectors are usually small, portable, and have multiple display functions to alert the user to a “bug.”
Types of Bug Detectors
There are two main types of spying technology that most people who are being spied on come in contact with; video and audio. In either case, the devices that are being used operate on a radio frequency (RF) system. The technology to operate and construct these devices is fairly simple and has resulted in “bugs” that are no bigger than a ten cent coin. They use a lower range of RF, between 1 MHz TO 6 GHz. Unfortunately, because their size is so small, they can be placed almost anywhere to capture their intended information, therefore proving quite difficult, or even impossible, to locate with the naked eye.
How Do Bug Detectors Work?
Bug detectors are fairly simple to use. A bug detector is essentially a radio receiver that is able to pick up electromagnetic signals that are broadcasted from an electronic device or specifically, a bug. Rather than converting these intercepted radio broadcasts into data or audio, the bug detector hones in on the RF (radio frequency) signals transmitted by the bugs and simply lights up and or sounds an alarm whenever it receives a strong frequency. Please keep in mind that since bug detectors are designed specifically to pick up any RF signal in a given area, you may receive "false" positives if another RF-transmitting device (mobile phone, radio, microwave, etc.) is nearby and active while you're doing a bug sweep.
How Do Camera Detectors Work?
Camera detectors are generally the simplest to use and most straightforward of all our counter surveillance equipment. A light embedded in or attached to the camera detector will flash to illuminate even the tiniest pinhole camera lens, and the specially tinted viewfinder built in to the detector makes it even easier to see the reflection of the lens.
Finding the Bugs
Bugs can sometimes be quite easy to find if you use the right approach. The signals that they transmit are fairly common and can be spotted by a simple device tuned to the frequency range that the offending bugs uses. Simply make sure all electronic products are turned off in the space you are checking and slowly walk around the room. If an offending radio frequency is operating in the room, the device will pick it up and notify you.
Electronic Security Sweeps
Are You a Victim of Eavesdropping? Is Your House Bugged?
SpyPro Security Solutions provides eavesdropping detection and technical bug sweeps to find and identify hidden cameras, wireless devices, audio bugs, and recording units that are planted to acquire information through covert means. Our goal is the protection of your privacy and communications.
What is Counter Surveillance?
Counter surveillance involves the detection, prevention or protection against any unwanted surveillance. Counter surveillance equipment includes cameras and bug detectors.
As people and businesses alike become increasingly aware of growing problems regarding personal and professional privacy, bug sweeps and other counter surveillance measures have risen in popularity and usefulness. With wiretaps and other eavesdropping equipment becoming easier and cheaper to buy, counter surveillance is becoming more and more mainstream.
Signs of Concern
- Other parties are aware of confidential information.
- Confidential information regarding business meetings has become public or known to the competition.
- You repeatedly notice unknown vehicles within the vicinity of your premises and elsewhere.
- People know of your activities when there is no reason for them to know.
- Debris from overhead ceiling tiles is visible on floors, desks and tables.
- Damage to ceiling tiles and/or they are out of place.
- A recent break in has occurred however nothing was stolen.
- Noise heard from phones and baby monitors that are not in use.
- High-pitched sounds and tones heard when the land line phone is picked up.
- Interference exhibited on televisions and/or radios.
- Light switch wall plates and electrical sockets have been tampered with.
What to do if you think you’re being bugged?
If you suspect you are under surveillance, it is crucial to act promptly to safeguard your information and limit any damage.
- Cease all sensitive communication and remove yourself from the area you suspect is being targeted.
- Do not discuss your suspicions with anyone who is associated with the workplace or home.
- Do not use your mobile phone or land line phones within the area at risk; call SpyPro Security Solutions from a payphone or clean phone away from the compromised area.
- Do not attempt to locate the bugs or wiretaps yourself as this may alert those conducting the illicit surveillance as to your awareness which may provide them an opportunity to make alternate plans.
- Tell only those, if necessary, who you implicitly trust regarding your engagement of a bug sweeping team.
SpyPro Security Solutions are appropriately equipped and professionally trained for the task and have state of the art, up to date equipment to identify and locate all types of standard and advanced transmitting devices and counter eavesdropping situations.
We are the Bug Detectors, here to protect your privacy. Contact us today!
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from the constellation of Earth-orbiting satellites and their ground stations. GPS tracking uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network. This network incorporates a range of satellites that use microwave signals that are transmitted to GPS devices to give information on location, velocity, time and direction.
GPS works by providing information on exact location. It can also track movement. A GPS tracking system, for example, may be placed in a vehicle, on a mobile phone, or on special GPS devices, which can either be fixed or portable. GPS trackers can be used by companies to monitor the route and progress of delivery trucks, and by parents to check on the location of their child, or even to monitor high-valued assets in transit. A GPS tracking system can potentially give both real-time and historic navigation data on any kind of journey.
A passive GPS tracking system will monitor location and will store its data on journeys based on certain types of events. For example, this kind of GPS system may log data such as where the device has traveled in the past 12 hours. The data stored on this kind of GPS tracking system is usually stored in internal memory or on a memory card, which can then be downloaded to a computer at a later date for analysis. In some cases, the data can be sent automatically for wireless download at predetermined times or can be requested at specific points during the journey.
An active GPS tracking system is also known as a real-time system as this method automatically sends the information on the GPS system to a central tracking portal or system in real-time as it happens. This kind of system is usually a better option for commercial purposes such as fleet tracking to streamline internal processes and procedures for deliveries, and for monitoring the behavior of employees as they carry out their work. It is also useful for personal purposes such as monitoring people, for instance children or the elderly, as it allows caregivers to know exactly where loved ones are, whether they are on time and whether they are where they are supposed to be during a journey.
Call SpyPro Security Solutions today to ask about our GPS trackers.
SpyPro Security Solutions offers a large range of hidden security cameras. These make an intelligent addition to any security camera system and are viable due to their relatively low cost. Hidden security cameras are designed to look like everyday objects and are used when you do not want people knowing you are recording. They usually have a very small, fixed lens or an option to attach a different lens for wider viewing angles. Smoke detector hidden cameras, sprinkler hidden cameras and PIR alarm hidden cameras are our most popular options. Monitoring employees, customers, babysitters, and even loved ones are examples of where hidden security cameras may be useful.
Hidden mini cameras and hidden bullet cameras are simple to install and can be used both indoors and outdoors, although some may need additional housing for water protection. These hidden security cameras are extremely small in size, which makes them very popular with many applications and can be planted in ceiling or walls.
Before using a hidden camera, we suggest that you consult your local laws to determine if what you are planning is legal.
What does a hidden security camera do?
A hidden camera simply provides the end-user with a covert way to monitor video in real-time or even record video for later viewing. The goal in using a hidden security camera is to gather information about something or someone. We have a large range of hidden cameras to choose from. They are great because they can be used in any environment from homes, retail outlets and businesses, and will obtain and store a lot of information once they start recording video from these hidden cameras. They can be mounted far away from the scene in a hallway, living room, foyer, reception area, etc. With their 3.7mm lens, they capture a wide angle of view and 25 feet of facial distance.
How do I select the most appropriate hidden security camera?
Hidden security cameras are cameras made to conceal their presence. All hidden cameras have some sort of small mini pin or micro pin camera inside and come in all kinds of objects, shapes and sizes. Using a hidden camera, your intention is to pull off the best fabrication setup possible. Therefore, you have to examine the area you have to work with and think of ways to make the camera blend in with the surroundings. You will need to consider these factors first and then determine what type of hidden camera will work best.
How do I use a hidden security camera?
You can use a hidden security camera in many different ways. Sometimes using a hidden camera requires extra installation work or product fabrication, therefore it will require some planning. Many people get very creative in the way they plant their hidden cameras. If you buy an object-based hidden security camera, then you can just mount it and walk away. But if you need to be more covert, micro-pin hidden cameras can be concealed inside teddy bears, pillows, book cases, door holes and much more. Most people forget that you will still need to run power to the unit, so keep that in mind when you select your location. If you have power, you can always view the video with a BNC connector that connects to a cable which you can input into a TV or security DVR for recording and playback.
Can I use a hidden security camera inside an air vent?
No, unless the camera can handle the cold or hot air that will be blowing on it. Always read the camera’s specifications to see if it can handle the temperatures of the environment it will be operating in.
Can a hidden security camera record on its own?
No. You need a security DVR to record, unless the hidden camera you have has a built-in DVR. There are some hidden cameras that have built in recording technology. Usually these hidden cameras have a USB port, where you can connect it to a PC and extract the data. However generally, hidden cameras will need a BNC connection, where you run the video connection to a security DVR to record on a hard drive.
What is a Bug
A "bug" is a covert listening device that is used to listen in on conversations while not being in the same area. It is a tiny battery-powered microphone and is often placed towards a targeted area which then intercepts communications and transmits them out of that location to a listening post, depending on the kind of bug used.
Different Types of Bugs
There are many types of covert audio and video bugs which fall into two broad categories; remote/physical and wired/wireless. (Hardwire, radio frequency, optical and acoustic).
These can take the form of a device sending sound or video to a different location via different forms of transmission or a static recording device which is later retrieved.
Acoustic bugging is the direct listening of conversations. This type of device could be a wall contact microphone or even a parabolic reflector. Another variation of this is where the sound picked up is converted to a frequency outside the human hearing range in the ultrasonic spectrum and then amplified. This can be listened to with a suitable ultrasonic listening device from a distance away.
Voice recorders are a form of bugging which simply involves placing a recording device in a location for later retrieval to listen to audio recordings such as conversations.
GSM Bugs
Perhaps the most recent and powerful addition to the spy’s collection of equipment is the GSM bug. These devices are placed in the target area and once they are activated via a telephone call, they use the GSM mobile telephone system to transmit the conversation from the target area to any telephone in the world.
Mobile Phone Software
Mobile phone spy software refers to any software program which allows you to monitor the use of a mobile phone in some way.
With modern software, you can monitor almost all activity which takes place on the targeted phone. It is important to understand that it will only work on mobile phones with Internet capability - smart phones.
Once installed on your target phone turning it into a bug, your monitor number needs to be added to the settings. This is simply the phone number you will be listening from. Turn the feature on by sending a hidden message to the phone. This is all done easily right inside your online dashboard. Then simply make a call to the target phone whenever you want to secretly listen through its microphone. The target will not ring or show any signs of an incoming call, but will answer and turn on the microphone immediately. No record of this call will be left in the call logs. Send another hidden message to turn the feature off.
Telephone Transmitter
A telephone transmitter is a small device which is connected to the telephone line or hidden inside a telephone socket, double adaptor or in the actual telephone itself. This device will transmit both sides of the conversation whenever the telephone is used. This can be monitored by a receiver located some distance away to record the conversation.
Radio Frequency Transmitter
The most commonly and widely used of all listening devices is the RF transmitter bug. At the lower end of the scale you will find the free oscillating VHF transmitter, transmitting on the commercial FM band 88-108 MHZ or the VHF Air band 108-140MHZ. These devices are inexpensive, easy to use and require no specialised receiving equipment. This is the type of bug most often used by private investigators and individuals, and the chance of finding the person who plants it, is low. Moving further up the scale and very similar in operation is the crystal controlled UHF or VHF transmitter. These devices tend to operate higher up the frequency band than the free oscillating transmitter and are tuned to a fixed frequency. These require a dedicated receiver, or if you prefer a narrow band scanner may be used. The advantages are greater stability and less chance of casual interception of the signal.
Hardwired Bugs
This form of surveillance is the most reliable and gives high quality results. The wiretap can be installed onto existing wiring i.e. CCTV systems, hidden cameras or microphones.
The hardwired bug in its simplest form is a microphone (this may be as small as 6mm in diameter) and a pair of thin wires or a track of conductive paint leading back to a listening post and connected to a high gain amplifier or recording device
Often hardwired bugs are used inside the premises, either by placing a miniature microphone into an air vent, or by just locating the microphone or hidden camera near an opening in a wall or ceiling.
Recording conversations and using Listening Devices in Victoria, Australia
Listening Devices are generally defined as anything which is capable of being used to overhear, record, monitor or listen to a conversation (except a hearing aid).
You cannot install, use or maintain a listening device to overhear, record, monitor or listen to a Private Conversation unless you’re a party to the conversation, or you have consent of all the parties to that conversation.
A Private Conversation is one in circumstances where you may reasonably assume the parties to it don’t want to be overheard by others, unless the parties should reasonably expect that they may be overheard.
Key points and examples:
- If you are a party to the conversation, the use of a Listening Device is not restricted.
- If you’re not a party to the conversation, you need consent from all the parties - not just one. Consent may be express or implied.
- If the conversation is loud enough for you to hear it, in a place where you or other people may hear it, use of a Listening Device is not restricted.
- If you’re listening to anything other than a private conversation, use of a Listening Device is not restricted.
Listening devices cannot be used in toilets, washrooms, change rooms or lactation rooms.
GPS Tracking in Victoria, Australia
Under the Surveillance Devices Act (Vic) a tracking device is an electronic device, the primary purpose of which is to determine the geographical location of a person or an object.
You can’t knowingly install, use or maintain a tracking device;
- To locate a person without their consent
- To locate an object without the consent of the person having (lawful) possession of that object.
Consent to be tracked, or for an object to be tracked, can be either express or implied. Express consent is where you are asked and accept being tracked. You might also sign a contract which includes the ability to track you.
A sealed package which has a label explaining that it may be being tracked may satisfy the requirements of implied consent if you accept possession of it.
The Primary Purpose of the device must be to determine location. In Victoria, a mobile phone which also transmits location information is arguably 1) for making calls 2) for sending and receiving email 3) for browsing the web 4) for running other software or playing games … and somewhere down the list; it may also be for determining location. It is therefore arguable that software on a phone which transmits location information does not make that phone a tracking device, and is therefore not regulated.
Optical Surveillance Laws in Victoria, Australia
Optical surveillance devices are generally defined as things which allow you to observe or record an activity. You should note that the “observe” part of that definition is common, and means that binoculars, telescopes, rifle scopes and night vision devices are all optical surveillance devices, even if they cannot record what they see.
The use of optical surveillance devices is regulated in most states of Australia, but very differently in some as compared to others.
You can’t use an optical surveillance device to view or record a Private Activity. Whether the place is a ‘public place’ or a ‘private place’, or whether public or private property, is not relevant in Victoria.
A Private Activity is any activity which is carried on inside a building in circumstances where you may reasonably assume the parties to it don’t want to be seen by others, unless the parties should reasonably expect that they may be seen.
- If you are a party to the activity, surveillance by you is not restricted. No consent by the other parties is required.
- If the activity is happening outside, surveillance is not restricted.
- If the parties should reasonably expect they maybe seen by people other than themselves, surveillance is not restricted.
- If the circumstances indicate the parties don’t care if they are seen, surveillance is not restricted.
Surveillance is not permitted in a toilet, wash room, change room or lactation room.
Spy Cameras Buyers Guide and Advice
Spy cameras are hidden cameras that are used as a form of surveillance.They are normally disguised as spy cameras and are the most popular of the various types of hidden cameras. These types of spy cameras are incorporated come in a variety of different designs such as pens and everyday used products they capture videos and still pictures without letting anyone know of the same. Usually, these cameras are very small and are easily hidden. Spy cameras are available in various sizes, quality, and price range. If you are someone who is interested in buying and installing a hidden spy camera in your home, make sure you choose the right type and size of camera or else it may not serve its purpose of enhancing the security of your home or business.
What types of spy camera should you buy?
With so many different types of spy cameras now available, answering the question which spy camera should I buy? has become much more difficult in recent times as there are so many to choose from. Spy cameras can be found everywhere, but which can be trusted for being reliable? Which are the best value and which ones suit your exact needs? These are common questions the SpyPro team are asked at SpyPro everyday. We put this spy camera buyers guide together so you can buy with confidence.
Factors to consider when buying a spy camera
- Subject area size / mobile or static
The length of the battery life
- Size of Camera small enough to be hidden on you
- Weigt of camera lightweight enough to be worn comfortably
- Locations you want to cover outside or inside
- Lighting of area
- Camera placement
Night vision this allows you to view video and photos taken in low light.
- Wireless streaming devices allow you to view your videos and photos in real time through a secure website or smartphone app.
Self-recording devices use internal memory or an SD card to save all your videos and photos.
- Quality of recording resolution for clear picture & true color recording
- Motion detecting capabilities this helps to save on battery life.
- Easy & simple to use
- Playing it back on your phone or getting notified as soon as it happens
- Looks realistic does does not look like a hidden camera
- Reliability, the system will get the evidence
Keep the above points in mind to make the right buying decision. Choose the right spy camera enjoy greater security and peace of mind that your home and family is protected from thieves and burglars.