
It is a fundamental principle of SpyPro Security Solutions that all of our business affairs are conducted legally, ethically and with strict observance of the highest standards of integrity.

Our Code of Conduct sets the standards expected of us and applies to everyone within the organisation.

SpyPro provides information to our staff members to assist in the understanding of the ethical values and standards of behaviour that are required in all of our daily business activities.

These are the values and standards on which SpyPro’s reputation is based.

Adherence to these values is fundamental to building a partnership of trust between SpyPro Security Solutions and the people with whom we deal with.


Our Commitment To You

SpyPro Security Solutions will tailor a solution based on the individual needs of your organisation and your people and will form part of our proposed security plan.  Our proposal will be premised on our commitment to our five core values:

We are committed to the safety of our staff, our clients, and the public. This is our highest priority.

We are committed to being held accountable to our clients, staff, and the public for our actions within the broader community.

We are committed to honest, ethical, and lawful dealings with our clients, staff, business partners, and the public.

We are committed to maintaining a high level of knowledge and experience in our chosen profession in order to be responsive to the changing needs of our clients.

We are committed to working collaboratively and co-operatively with each other to bring about the outcomes we seek. By sharing our successes and learning from our mistakes we seek to develop a culture of continuous improvement.

When you enlist the service and support of SpyProl Security & Surveillance you can be assured that our team has the training and expertise you need. You will be appointed a dedicated service manager and operations team to ensure our high level of service delivery is achieved and maintained at all times.


OH&S Systems Compliance

SpyPro Security Solutions is committed to achieving the highest performance in occupational health and safety. Our aim is to create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. SpyPro complies with the guidelines of AS/NZS 4801 and OHSAS 18001 and any other legislative requirements applicable to our operations.

Consistent with this, our company will:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards and where adequate laws do not exist, adopt and apply standards that reflect the company’s commitment to health and safety;
  • Consult with and involve employees and contractors in the improvement of occupational health and safety performance;
  • Train and hold individual employees accountable for their area of responsibility;
  • Regularly audit the occupational health and safety management systems to ensure effective implementation.


Environmental Systems

SpyPro Security Solutions maintains the highest level of training and moves towards environmental sustainability through best practice as outlined under ISO 14001.

We ensure our business processes effectively identify, measure, manage and control environmental impacts. We aim to limit environmental risk by targeting reduced natural resource use and prevention of adverse environmental impacts.

SpyPro recognises its responsibility to practice and promote behaviours that support activities which contribute to environmental sustainability within the local, national and international community.


Quality Systems Compliance

The core activity of SpyPro Security Solutions is the design, supply, installation and commissioning of ongoing operational support of various electronic security solutions across a wide range of industries.

SpyPro’s quality system, which complies with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008, aims to provide superior customer service through the use of quality materials and the provision of quality workmanship with reliable delivery.

SpyPro has a strong focus on quality and achieving a high degree of customer satisfaction, ensuring repeat business.


Risk Management

SpyPro Security Solutions, in compliance with Australian Standards AS/NZS 4360:2004, provides healthy and safe conditions for employees, contractors and clients through a process of hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and regular performance review.

Our aim is for risk management to become embedded into all of our critical business systems and processes, so that before events occur which may affect us achieving our objectives, we identify the risks and manage them on a consistent and holistic basis.


Protection of Information (Privacy)

Unauthorised disclosure of SpyPro Security Solutions’ information, including the misuse of intellectual property belonging to SpyPro, is prohibited.

All information relating to SpyPro’s business obtained by employees in the course of their employment is considered confidential unless SpyPro has officially made the information public.

SpyPro is subject to local, State and Commonwealth laws. We have a duty to act within those laws. The law helps to define our roles within our organisation.


Customer Service

SpyPro Security Solutions must ensure that we deliver exceptional value and service to our customers by conducting ourselves with integrity and in a manner that ensures:

  • Our customers are provided with the products and services they require at the highest possible standard;
  • All decisions and actions are evaluated in terms of their impact on customers;
  • There is a safe and friendly environment at all times for our employees and customers.