CheckMate Infidelity Detection Kit

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Youre no crime scene investigator, but you might still need to investigate! Need some support trying to find out if you're exaggerating? When it comes to your wife, husband, significant other, or even your teens, it's never a good idea to be presumptive about their sexual activity

The best day is the day you find out your suspicion is unfounded with our infidelity detection kits

Do you suffer from the nightmare of suspicion and doubt caused by the possibility of a cheating spouse? Now you can find out what's really going on with a quick and easy semen detection infidelity test from SpyPro.                                                                         

The Checkmate kit is the most effective ways of detecting infidelity

Confirm suspicions of infidelity of a spouse or determine if minor children are engaging in sexual intercourse, collect evidence that may prove signs of sexual child molestation. The detection kit comes with 10 tests that you can use on underwear or bedding. All you need to do is take the fabric, use the test kit, and you’ll get a conclusive result. There are no false positives to worry about - it’s 100% accurate,simple easy to use..

Each test takes only a few minutes and leaves no trace of evidence of use on the fabric. There’s a detailed instruction guide in every box that will take you step-by-step through the process.

Each test is essentially a piece of thin paper, somewhat like a coffee filter. There are 10 tests in the kit, along with 2 bottles of different fluid, and 2 droppers.

Take a dropper, and remove a small amount of liquid from the 1st bottle. Drop the fluid onto the fabric you want to test; if you see a stain on the fabric, drop the fluid directly on it. Then, take a test paper and press it against the wetted fabric. Any semen will be transferred to the paper.

After a few moments, you’ll take liquid from the 2nd bottle and drop it onto the test paper. If it turns purple, there’s semen on the fabric. If it doesn’t change color, the test is negative.


Scientifically Formulated for Conclusive Results

Rigorous; laboratory-tested technology that detects ONLY semen stains evidenced by presence of exceptionally high enzyme levels ensures 100% accurate results

Results in 5-Minutes or Less

4-Step fuss-free test process helps untrained users get the answers they want, quickly


Trace-free technology keeps partner unsuspecting and allows testing within privacy of your own home


10 test kits to use across undergarments, beddings, and more. Just in case you need it.

Suitability Across Various Materials

Fluid works on all types and colors of material - no need to pick the "right time" to test.

Compatible Across All Ages

Unvaried test results regardless of age - test on anyone



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